Chapter One: Shadow of the Sack

The Basics

The bare minimum stuff you ought to know

Approaching Turia

The only safe approach to Turia is to be born there. All paths from the outside world to the great city - by land or sea - are fraught with danger.

Room Rules

There are only nine. Please take the time to read them, because you're expected to know and abide by them. Important policies are referenced as well, but those aren't required reading.

The Plains

A look at the six regions of the plains. This regional division is our own, unique creation; we acknowledge it is not directly supported by the source materials, but we feel it adds both realism and detail to an underexplored part of Gor.

The Story Thus Far...

A brief look at the situation facing Turia, in the wake of the Tuchuk Sack

  • Kamchak's Price

    Two-thirds of all the city's gold; a matching (or possibly greater) quantity of its wealth in valuables (such as wines, jewels, silks, spices, or other treasures); five thousand of Turia's most beautiful free women, from respected High Caste families; countless of its slaves and thralls claimed or freed depending on their lineage. Thus was the indemnity Kamchak imposed upon Turia.

  • A Devastated City

    Now, in the shadow of her greatest shame, the First City of the South struggles to shake off the panicked madness and trauma that hangs over it, accompanied by the stench of smoke and flames, and the screams of Turians beneath the onslaught of arrow and lance. Turia's economy is devastated, its great families humbled, its once-unassailable dominance over the plains now contested not just by nomads but by once-cowed rival cities.

  • The Second Founding of Turia

    These are the hard truths awaiting Turia as it wakes to a new morning. This is the world into which Turia must march, to reassert its claim to power and prestige, upon the plains that once bore her name. Will Turia be born anew, refounded and rebuilt in the image of her glorious past? Or will she falter, beset by enemies on all sides?

  • What once was great shall rise again!

People of the Plains

The major cultures of the Gorean Plain.

The Dominion of Turia

Traumatized and economically devastated in the wake of the Tuchuk Sack, the ancient city of Turia seeks to rebuild and reclaim what has been lost.

The Client-Port of Kargash

Protected from the ravages of the Wagon People by the great wall of the Ta-Thassa Mountains, Kargash is bound to Turia through ancient oaths of allegiance, and dependent on her for food and protection.

The Great Wagon Ubarate

Brought together (if not truly united) for the first time in a thousand years, the power to shape the future of Gor may lay in the hands of the new Ubar-San.

Maps of the Plains

A collection of maps of the region; expect more in the future

Necrella's Plains

A crop from Necrella's original Gorean map

Necrella, Annotated

The same crop from Necrella's map, with my own notes and annotations

Sketch of the Plains

Our own quick (and extremely ugly) sketch of the southern plains.

Our Team

Plains of Turia is brought to you by the imagination and hard work of:


Storyteller, Room Management


Board Assistant, Room Staff


Moderator, Room Staff

In recognition of their invaluable support, Plains of Turia owes a debt of gratitude to deAnimator & Rivers, as well as the entire team over at Roleplay Evolution for their continuous support and tireless efforts on our behalf. We also want to thank Ayelen for the creation of her Annals of Gor - whenever my own knowledge or reading couldn't find the answer, the Annals were the first place I went. Lastly we thank all of our members, both current and future; what we have built, we need you to sustain and grow. No creative endeavor like this can profit and thrive off the labor of just one (or two) people; Plains of Turia is what we all make it.