Announcements, Rules & Policies

News, updates, important decisions, and anything else from Room Management.
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Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:31 pm

Announcements, Rules & Policies

Post by Faustus »

Any announcements we think Plains of Turia members will need or want to know will be posted here. This will include expanded rule and policy information, upcoming events or storylines, scheduling notices, references to Revo news or updates, and anything else we feel needs to be broadcast to everyone. As this board is publicly visible, we won't be using it to solicity feedback from the membership - for that, we'll use the Member Discussion board.

Only Room Management or Room Staff can make new threads here; Members and Applicants are able to reply to the threads, to ask for clarification or acknowledge important updates. This isn't the place to debate or argue the content of the announcements we post (that would be, once again, the Member Discussion board; or you can contact me directly if you want to discuss the matter privately).

Rules & Policies
There are two special kinds of announcements, rules and policies, that I want to take a moment to explain:
  • Room Rules are what we expect from everyone who sets foot in the room. Whether it's your first or fiftieth time coming in, you need to know and follow the rules and everyone is expected to know them. Members, guests - everyone. We try to make rules straightforward and uncomplicated. The goal is for every rule to be easily understandable enough to require no additional information (this doesn't always happen, but that's the goal).
  • Policies tend to be broader and aren't necessary to know before coming into the room for the first time. Technically, you probably don't ever need to know these - but members and long-term visitors will probably find the information helpful. Policies typically focus less on what we expect from you (that's covered by room rules) and more on what you can expect from us. The goal here is transparency and fairness: when I need to make a decision that affects some or all of you, it's only fair that you know how I'm going to come to that decision.
Policies get their own thread on this Announcements board, as do any rules we feel need additional clarification or explanation. These threads are appropriately named to make it clear what they are, i.e. "Room Rule: Safe Zones" or "Policy: Secondary Characters". And obviously, situations will sometimes come up that a) require us to get involved and b) that we didn't anticipate, meaning there is no policy "on the books" on how to handle it. All I can say is that we'll do our best to make the best decision at the time - and, if the situation is one we find ourselves dealing with regularly? New policies will be put in place as necessary, as openly and transparently as we can.