Policy: Primary/Secondary Characters

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Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:31 pm

Policy: Primary/Secondary Characters

Post by Faustus »

As a story-first roleplay room, Plains of Turia welcomes its members to make use of secondary characters to further flesh out, expand, or complement their roleplay. In the interest of maintaining full transparency and accountability, a few additional rules do govern the use of secondary characters:
  • Secondary characters are reserved for Members-only.
  • Secondary characters must be registered by posting a filled-in application to the New Characters & Arrivals board. Please state somewhere that they are a secondary character so there's no confusion.
  • Secondary characters must be visibly identified as such in their tags; tags must also include the identity of your primary character
  • There is a soft cap of two secondary characters. It is our general opinion that the home is better when there is a stronger investment of time and focus on each character; to that end, we prefer no one take on more characters than they can reasonably invest that time in. If you want to exceed the limit, we'll need to have a conversation first.
  • Secondary characters are not permitted to travel to other rooms. This rule is temporary; we intend to do a survey of site-run rooms and their rules regarding secondaries, but for now secondary characters may only be used in the Plains of Turia room & The Great Southern Plains subroom.
Beyond those rules, the usual caveats and expectations as regards roleplay apply: be honest, forthright and respectful with those you roleplay with. Don't try to use secondaries to circumvent the consequences or outcomes of your roleplay with other characters. None of this is particularly complicated, and I don't feel we need specific rules to address these possibilities. Most of the hand-wringing about secondaries on Gor was about people using them to evade the consequences of their roleplay, and I personally can't recall the last time I saw that. So, conduct yourselves respectfully and in good faith and we should be fine; if not, we'll talk.
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